Ginza AUDI × HIKARU SEINO: A Collaboration of Art and Innovation for the Flagship Store Opening
“Hikaru Seino HANANINGEN Exhibition: Symbolic Fossils” at SPIRAL, Tokyo 2021
Floral art for BVLGARI’s new location in California by Hikaru Seino.
Flower Artist Hikaru Seino Exhibition in Roppongi Hills Tokyo
Hikaru Seino and MEGUMI, HANANINGEN (Flower-Human) Collaboration
Serbia Fashion Week 2023 Runway -First appearance as a Japanese florist-
Ginza AUDI × HIKARU SEINO: A Collaboration of Art and Innovation for the Flagship Store Opening
“Hikaru Seino HANANINGEN Exhibition: Symbolic Fossils” at SPIRAL, Tokyo 2021
Floral art for BVLGARI’s new location in California by Hikaru Seino.
Flower Artist Hikaru Seino Exhibition in Roppongi Hills Tokyo
Hikaru Seino and MEGUMI, HANANINGEN (Flower-Human) Collaboration
Serbia Fashion Week 2023 Runway -First appearance as a Japanese florist-

Hikaru Seino’s philosophy is ” STAND FOR NATURE.” After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, He decided to devote his own life to spread the value of nature and flowers. He leads a team of florists around the world to create an era in which nature and people can more coexist.
フラワーアーティスト 清野光
Based in Tokyo and LA, Hikaru is known as a “5-WAY artist”. A floral artist, composer, photographer, architectural designer, and brand owner.
From childhood, Hikaru was always an underachiever with poor grades in school. Starting music as a teenager made his dependent debut as a punk rocker, but feeling powerless to voice his dissatisfaction with society, he becomes a shut-in.
At the age of 22, after the Great East Japan earthquake, he encountered the world of flowers. There are no florists in war-torn areas. Convinced that a society with many adults who love flowers and respect nature can be kind and peaceful, Hikaru set out on his path as a floral artist to spread the value of nature.
His work advocating for peace has attracted the attention of many top brands, stars, and celebrities. He designed the New Year entrance of the Roppongi Hills Tokyo, Kate Moss’ party, Gaudi’s show in Spain, and lectures as a maestro in Europe.
He is known throughout Japan for his works that appeal for peace in society, such as the HANANINGEN project he started by creating relationships between flowers and people, being in charge of decorating significant corporations, and being featured on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Hikaru Seino’s philosophy is ” STAND FOR NATURE.” After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, Hikaru decided to communicate with nature.
He leads a team of florists who spread the abundance of flowers and nature around the world to create an era in which nature and people can more coexist.
フラワーアーティスト 清野光
Based in Tokyo and LA, Hikaru is known as a “5-WAY artist”. A floral artist, composer, photographer, architectural designer, and brand owner.
From childhood, Hikaru was always an underachiever with poor grades in school. Starting music as a teenager made his dependent debut as a punk rocker, but feeling powerless to voice his dissatisfaction with society, he becomes a shut-in.
At the age of 22, after the Great East Japan earthquake, he encountered the world of flowers. There are no florists in war-torn areas. Convinced that a society with many adults who love flowers and respect nature can be kind and peaceful, Hikaru set out on his path as a floral artist to spread the value of nature.
His work advocating for peace has attracted the attention of many top brands, stars, and celebrities. He designed the New Year entrance of the Roppongi Hills Tokyo, Kate Moss’ party, Gaudi’s show in Spain, and lectures as a maestro in Europe.
He is known throughout Japan for his works that appeal for peace in society, such as the HANANINGEN project he started by creating relationships between flowers and people, being in charge of decorating significant corporations, and being featured on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.Based in Tokyo and LA, Hikaru is known as a “5-WAY artist”. Floral artist, composer, photographer, architectural designer, and brand owner.
His work advocating for peace has attracted the attention of many top-brands, stars and celebrities.
He designed the New Year entrance of the Roppongi Hills Mori Building, Kate Moss’ party, Gaudi’s show in Spain, and lectures as a maestro in Europe. And also invited to fashion collections in various countries beyond the boundaries of floristry.



2014.6 IBM・レノボ合併パーティーデザイン装飾
2014.7 BMW Chinaフラワーデモンストレーションライブ
2015.11 Kanebo COFFRET D’ORコラボレーション
2015.12 ONE EYELAND “Best Of The Best Photographers 2016” 選出
2016.9 ロンドンEWAAC2016ファイナリスト選出
2017.4 GINZA SIX オープニングレセプション装花
2017.6 コシノジュンコ×HANANINGEコラボショー
2018.3 テレビ東京「ワールドビジネスサテライト」出演
2018.3 バカラ免品会 デモンストレーションライブ
2018.8 スペインバルセロナGaudi建築フラワーショー
アントニオ・ガウディ La Porta Gaudí facultat de Farmàcia
2018.8 『能』人間国宝津村 禮次郎 コラボレーションライブ
2018.12 森ビル六本木ヒルズ 正月メインディスプレイ
2020.8 24時間テレビ「愛は地球を救う」出演
2020.9 Dior パーティー装花
2021.1 虎ノ門ヒルズ KOSE ケイト・モスパーティー装花
2021.6 外務省ホームページ「JAPAN SDGs Action Platform」掲載
2021.9 PARCOメインビジュアル ウィンドウディスプレイ装花
2021.10 表参道・スパイラル 清野光個展 開催
2021.12 リッツカールトンNiseko クリスマスツリー装飾
2022.6 JRA函館競馬場プロデュース
2022.9 パリコレ公認Japan Kids Fashion Week 2022出演
2022.12 NGT48 MVメインオブジェ装花
2023.3 Fashion Week Tokyo 2023 TENDER PERSONランウェイ装花
2023.4 G7 気候・エネルギー・環境大臣会合 レセプション装花
2023.10 セルビアファッションウィーク Serbia Fashion Week 2023 出演
2023.10 TEDx Sapporo 登壇
2024.4 BVULGARI (USA) オープニングInstallation art work
2024.5 ASEANTA会合 produce パーティー装花・ライブパフォーマンス